What Goats Have Blue Eyes

As we know, goats can have the most intriguing eyes, with a capability to see almost all the way around themselves, even at night. But we have to wonder, what other intriguing aspects can occur genetically in a goat. For example, can a goat’s eye color be blue?

Goats such as the Nigerian dwarf goat and Nubian goat, are able to develop the blue eye gene according to the sequence of genetics passed down from the goat parents.

However, this may not always be the case, as specific genetics are required among certain goat breeds. As such, we should look towards what genetics the parents have, to know what genetics may occur in the goat kids that we find ourselves looking forward to.

How to obtain a blue eye in goats

Funny enough, the gene for having a blue eyed goat, is actually a dominant gene. As rare as it is for a goat to have blue eyes, when they do have them, we can know that they will most likely have a kid with blue eyes.

Only certain breeds have blue eyes, but when they do have blue eyes, they tend to dominate that breed. As we will see with Nigerian Dwarf goats, they all tend to have blue eyes due to the heterozygous blue eye genetics.

For your information: This only applies to goats with a blue eyed heterozygous genetic. However, brown eyes are still recessive in heterozygous goats.

Mother has…
blue eyed gene
Mother has…
Brown eyed gene
Father has…
Blue eyed gene
25% of kids will have
2 blue eyed genes &
will have blue eyes
25% of kids will get
1 blue eyed gene &
1 brown eyed gene
and they will have blue eyes
Father has…
Brown eyed gene
25% of kids will get
1 blue eyed gene and
1 brown eyed gene
& they will have blue eyes.
25% of kids will get
2 brown eyed genes
& they will have brown eyes
(This is a chart to show how blue or brown eyes are born into a goat. This chart comes from the website sourced below.)

(Source: The genetics behind blue-eyed and polled goats – The Thrifty Homesteader)

Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Nigerian Dwarf Goats are the most common goats to have blue eyes. And as previously explained, the blue eyed goats will produce other blue eyed goats in turn.

As such, there is a slow diminish for Nigerian Dwarf Goats in brown eyes, as more blue eyed goats are born.

Facts to consider about a blue eyed Nigerian Dwarf Goat;

  • A goat’s hair color has absolutely no affect or relation to the eye color
  • Blue eyes are not considered to be albino goat eyes
  • Blue eyes does NOT affect if a goat is sterile or not
  • Blued eyed goats will give birth to blue eyed goats
  • When blue eyes are bred with brown eyes, it results in over half of the kids being born with blue eyes

Tip: If you really want a goat with blue eyes, then get a Nigerian dwarf goat. They naturally are born more commonly with blue eyes, than any other goat breed.

(Source: Blue Eyed Nigerian Dwarf Goats – Nigerian Dwarf Goats For Sale (prairiewoodranch.com))

Nubian goats versus other goats

Nubian goats are capable of the blue eye genetic. However, like other goat breeds, it is rare and not nearly as common. If a goat parent happens to have a blue eyed gene, than other blue eyed goat may start to be produced.

However, if there is not blue eyed gene in the parents, then it is unlikely that these goats will be born with blue eyes. And, as far as we know, most goats of other breads do not have a blue eyed gene. Which is why blue eyes are not as common for other breeds, as they tend to be in a Nigerian Dwarf goat.

Trying to find a Nubian goat with blue eyes would be quite the challenge, and is not as recommended. However, with a great deal of patience, that desire just might pay off.

Issues that could occur from having blue eyes

As with any goat, eyes can retain certain infections, which can cause damage to the vision of a goat. This includes the possibility of causing them to go blind.

However, this has less to do with their eye color, and is more of a common occurrence amongst goats of any eye color. The following list, is of the things that you should keep an eye out for to help your goat stay healthy.

  • Entropion(Inverted eyelids) – This can be a genetic issue, as it normally occurs in a baby goat that is about one to two weeks old. One of the eyelids will start to turn inwards, causing issues for the baby goat as it becomes inverted. In various cases, both eyes can be affected and must be immediately treated.
  • Ectropion(Outward eyelids) – As the eyelid turns outward, it can collect debris and bacteria, also damaging the eye. It is a less common development amongst goats. However, it may still occur.
  • pinkeye – What may seem simple and somewhat harmless, is a common and very infectious issue amongst goats. It is easily spread and can cause a risk of an outbreak of pinkeye amongst all goats nearby. It can also be caused by any irritation or issue with the eye as well.
  • Dangerous adventures – finally, we all know that goats love to do whatever they want, wherever they want. They’re not shy creatures, and they tend to get themselves into quite a bit of trouble. So keep watch to make sure that they don’t damage there eyes during these adventures as well.

Once again, these are not caused by having blue eyes. A goat will not have a disease or go blind simply because they have blue eyes. They will however, do what any other goat would do, and maybe cause problems for themselves by adventuring out too far.

(source: A Guide to Eye Problems and Eye Infections in Goats – Backyard Goats (iamcountryside.com))

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