Does Goat Milk Cause Constipation in Babies?

Babies who are having allergic reactions to other formulas or are experiencing tummy issues or constipation may be needing a different milk substitute. The bigger question is, does goats milk also cause constipation though?

Unlike regular formulas, goats milk does not cause constipation in babies. Goats milk contains high levels of prebiotic oligosaccharides that help with digestion. However, goats milk should not be given to infants because of lack of vitamins C and D, thiamin, niacin, and vitamin B6.

With that question answered, there may be more to consider when it comes to whether goats milk is a great substitute for your baby. Hopefully this article can help to clear up some of those questions.

What are the Benefits of Goats Milk

One of the main reasons parents give goats milk to their children is to help alleviate their constipation problems. When young children start to eat solid foods, they tend to get more constipated because their digestive systems aren’t quite used to eating solid foods and being able to process something harder than normal. Goats milk contains high levels of prebiotic oligosaccharides, which are large fibers that help in promoting digestion.

The presence of prebiotic oligosaccharides in a child’s digestive system is to absorb water, in which water helps to soften and push stool out of a child more swiftly. The hardened stool is what causes discomfort in a child, and goats milk is what helps to push out stubborn stool.

Some other benefits of goats milk are vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, and calcium. These vitamins are important for the growth and development of a child. The common saying is that calcium creates strong bones, which is slightly true. Without the proper development of flora in the digestive system and a healthy immune system, a child will experience a bit more than constipation

What Else Can Goats Milk be Used For

Some other reasons to give your child goats milk is if they are experiencing eczema, or are having constant allergic reactions. Often times, baby’s skin is extremely sensitive, and they can be allergic to just about anything. Goats milk doesn’t contain any toxins, nor does it have as many irritants as other baby formulas have. Drinking goats milk, or applying goats milk to a baby’s skin can be helpful and alleviate their discomfort just a little bit. Of course, goats milk is not a permanent fix, and you should see a pediatrician as soon as possible in order to understand what is wrong. It could be the detergent you’re using, clothing, diapers, allergic reactions to certain foods, really anything.

Some Common Causes of Constipation in Children

The most common cause of constipation is by introducing solid foods into a child’s diet. If a child isn’t getting enough fiber in their newfound diet, then they will become more constipated than normal because their body isn’t used to digesting solid foods.

Young children may also be experiencing constipation because they are dehydrated. Water is what helps to soften the stool and make it easier to go to the bathroom. If they’re not drinking enough water, then their body will try absorbing it from their organs, which help in softening the stool on its way out. Absence of water will simply make it difficult to poop. Starting around six months your baby needs to start drinking water as they begin eating solid foods.

Another common reason is the wrong formula. Many formulas don’t have the correct protein structure to aid in digestion. Formulas that have higher levels of the non-digestible fibers prebiotic oligosaccharides will be better for them and help in preventing constipation.

Something more serious to consider is that your child may have a serious medical condition. Some common medical conditions are hypothyroidism, botulism, and various metabolic disorders. If you notice that your little one is experiencing constant constipation, then it is best to see a pediatrician to have some tests run.

Best Types of Goats Milk

Before picking any type of formula that has goats milk, you should make sure to go over the label with your pediatrician so that it has the appropriate nutrients for your infant. Goats milk lacks some important nutrients for healthy development of babies, so picking the appropriate formula that will be fortified with vitamins. Where it lacks in vitamins, it also lacks in lactose; lactose is a common allergen, which can be a root cause for upset stomachs and diarrhea in a baby. It should be between you and your pediatrician in order to pick the appropriate formula and/or goats milk that will provide your baby with the proper nutrients and benefits for healthy growth.

Downfalls of Goats Milk

As stated earlier, it is important to not give goats milk to a newborn baby. It is often found that when a newborn baby drinks only goats milk, it causes a lot of stress on their kidneys and it causes what is known as metabolic acidosis, to babies who are in their first few months of life. Goats milk lacks important vitamins such as Vitamin B, which will cause anemia; anemia is a lack of iron, which causes most people to faint, but for a baby can be deadly.

Something a little less serious is the taste and smell of goats milk can be aggressive to say the least. Some children don’t enjoy the taste, and will refuse to drink it. This is a normal reaction, and sometimes it takes finding the right formula in order for children to want to drink it. A pediatrician will know which formulas work better and how to address taste and smell.

Remember, do not ever drink raw goats milk, as it can cause some serious consequences, even death. Some of these consequences include:  increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart diseases, and even cancer. Raw goats milk will kill helpful bacteria and flora in the gut, which will slowly kill someone. Make sure that your child is old enough to drink goats milk and that it will aid in digestion and help in preventing allergic reactions.

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