Do Goats Get Colds?

We all care for our goats in many different ways according to what we think that they need. However, contrary to popular belief, they are not as invincible as people often think. But the question is, can they get sick?

Goats can get a cold, just like any other animal can. If a goat has a runny nose, watery eyes, and seem to be more mopey than normal, then they definitely have a cold. But be aware that if they also have a fever, than they could have something even worse.

So how do we know the difference of whether or not our goats have a cold, and what to do if they do, or if maybe, they don’t?

How to know if a goat has a cold

As goats experience sickness and colds in ways that we do, we can know which symptoms to watch out for.

The following are a few of the symptoms you should watch for to know whether or not your goat is getting sick;

  • Runny nose: We’ve all been there. A runny nose is never fun. It’s messy, and it gets everywhere. The last thing we want is for our goats to get them too. They’re an experience that no one wants to have. Not to mention that we know that breathing with a cold is difficult, something that can be harmful to a sick goat. So keep your eyes out for that dripping nose throughout the year.
  • Watery eyes: You may have heard that goats have amazing vision. And the answer is yes, yes they do. That is, until they get sick and their eyes get all watery. Because like us, it makes it difficult for them to keep their eyes open when they’re dry and watering.
  • Moping around: Once again, goats seem to mimic us in our sick behaviors. Just as you would do when you get a cold, goats have a tendency to mope around. This is mostly caused by a lack of energy from fighting off an infection. So if your goat displays these symptoms, try to get them to rest so they can regain energy to fight of the sickness.

(Source: How to Treat a Goat With a Cold |

What could be wrong if my goat has a fever?

Having a basic cold can be almost entirely harmless for us. We’ve all had a cold at some point, and we know that it often heals itself.

However, you must pay closer attention to the health of a goat as it gets sick. As certain symptoms may develop, signifying that what your goat has may be something worse than a cold. If your goat develops a fever that runs hotter than one hundred and three degrees, then they may have already developed something more life-threatening.

Warning: It is important to consider that a cold can turn into sicknesses such as bronchitis, or pneumonia. Unlike a cold, they will require immediate treatment.

Tip: For the reason above, it is necessary to carefully watch the health of your goat, especially if their appears to be getting worse.

(source: How to Treat a Goat With a Cold |

Will my goat survive a cold or other sickness?

Your goat should be capable of surviving most of these sicknesses when treated with the proper care required for them. For example;

  • Clean out the goat’s sleeping area – You must ensure that the area is clear of dust and lingering debris. Having a dusty sleeping area can be detrimental to their health. It is also important that the area is dry and well-ventilated to keep clean air cycling through.
  • Avoid any and all anti-biotics – Since a cold is not a bacterial sickness, anti-biotics will more than likely have the opposite affect of helping your goat. Instead, it could damage your goats natural capability to fight off any harmful bacteria in the future.
  • Cleaning their noses – Just as we do as humans, goats will have their nasal passages over-run with mucus, making it difficult to breath. They will need your help to clean out their noses on occasion in order to prevent build up. Doing so will also help them to get better faster.

Warning: Avoiding these actions could lead to your goat getting even worse with other, more dangerous illnesses.

(Source: Natural Treatment for a Common Cold Infection in Cats |

Does getting my goat drunk, help them get better?

The tried and true way to heal an ailing goat over time, is to give them a swig of that old beer you have in the back. In fact, if your goat isn’t feeling as energetic as usual, having a dark beer could help get them back into shape.

The usual dose for an ailing goat is one full beer in the morning. Then, if it is absolutely necessary, one in the afternoon as well.

Tip: Try to avoid using the bottle of the beer, and go for a more goat friendly bottle with the rubber top that makes it easier for them to drink.

The following are also helpful foods and liquids to give to your goat during the duration of their recovery;

  • Vitamin A foods – Carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, etc.
  • Probiotic foods – Yogurt, etc.
  • Liquids – lemon water with honey, or elder blossom with sage and honey
  • Avoid – peas, beans, oats, etc.

(Source: Natural Treatment for a Common Cold Infection in Cats |

(Source: Give a Goat a Guinness? Treating Livestock with Beer – Storey Publishing)

Remember to take care of your goat at all times

“A Happy Goat is a Happy You!”

We care about our goats, and we only want what is best for them and their health. So make sure that you not only diagnose your goat with a cold, but that you honestly seek to take care of them to help them get better again.

No one wants to see their goats moping about with a fever and a runny nose. We would prefer to see them up, running, and getting into everything as they normally do. Because a happy goat is a happy you.

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