Can Goats Actually Turn Their Heads 360 Degrees?

One day, I came across this completely random question and was determined to find out the answer to this. Now you know the answer to the question you have been waiting for your entire life, so buckle up! This will blow you away.

Goats can turn their heads 360 degrees. This is usually not a sign of disease or an injury with the goat, this is just a way that goats play around with humans. Be sure to check for signs of infection though (f.e. if the goat is not walking straight), just in case.

We will be checking on some things to look for to make sure that your goat’s consistent head-turning is not a sign of disease, and what to do about it if it is (as it very well could be a possibility). After this, we will talk about some other tricks that goats can do, some cool goat facts, then conclude with some other animals that can turn their head 360 degrees.

Why They Do It

In simple terms, the reason why goats flip their heads is simply out of habit and because of distinctive traits. Was someone you knew double jointed? Could twist their arms all across their body? The same type of deal applies to goats. Some goats have odd goats as well (such as turning their head 360 degrees) out of habit. It is typically an odd generic trait that goats have, nothing more to it. Each goat can do different things, depending on the breed and the ancestral line of the goat. So don’t go twisting their necks back, but this is why they can!

Signs To Watch Out For

Here are the signs of minor symptoms for goats. These symptoms are minor, but they will still need to be addressed by a veterinarian.

  • Does your goat seem weak or sluggish, or are isolating itself?
  • Are the goat’s head or ears drooping?
  • Is your goat limping or staggering?
  • Has your goat lost its appetite?
  • Does your goat have a sore mouth or show blisters?
  • Is your goat pressing its head on the wall or fence?
  • Is your goat making unusual vocalizations? Source
  • How is the posture of your goat? Source
  • Are the ears positioned strangely?
  • Is your goat not urinating or having difficulty urinating?
  • Are the feces shaped abnormally?
  • Does the goat have pale or grey eyelids?
  • Does the goat have a hot udder?

These symptoms are a cause of a direct emergency and you should consult a professional immediately:

  • Swollen or bloated midsection, often followed by moaning
  • Lying down for several hours without moaning
  • Isolation from the herd for a long period of time.


If your goat is sick, please follow these simple steps:

  • Take its temperature and report that to a professional. For reference, a normal temperature ranges from about 101 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Take off a degree if you are taking the goat’s temperature on a hot day. Source
  • Check and see if the goat is just dehydrated. Some goats just don’t drink water and then get sick later. If not, try tricks to get the goat to drink water more.
  • Separate the ill goat from the rest of your herd to avoid the spread of infection. Be sure to separate the goat but also allow the goat to be somewhat close to the herd to eliminate stress.
  • Make sure to provide a surplus of fresh water and fresh grass hay.
  • Be sure that the goat is given ample shelter as well against elements that can prolong the disease.
  • Call an animal doctor as soon as possible for the quickest turnaround time.


What Other Tricks Can My Goat Learn?

Goats have the brainpower to learn and retain a lot of commands. With a treat on hand and some patience, they can learn tricks such as:

  • You can teach a goat any trick that you can teach a dog; such as sitting, staying, and coming when called!
  • Goats can act like an ox and carry wagons or backpacks that can be heavier than their body weight!
  • Goats can stand on any platform.
  • Goats can jump through hoops
  • Goats can walk on their hind legs
  • You can use a leash on a goat
  • Goats can walk on small tightropes
  • Goats can pull ropes on pulleys
  • Goats can wear any sort of outfit you put on them and be totally cool with it.
  • Goats know how to untie ropes for you
  • Goats understand basic manners once they are trained, and will respond promptly if they are said “yes” or “no”.
  • Some have even taught a goat to learn how to sit and play a small kid piano (not well, but still!)

The best way to teach a goat is by using a cue stick (like the stick from the game of pool) and use that to direct them instead of training them by using sound as a dog would do. You can find cue sticks for around $60 online or at any thrift store.


Other Unique Goat Characteristics

  • Goats are one of the first tameable animals by humans.
  • Goats can be taught their name and to come when called.
  • Baby goats can step and take their first steps within moments of being born.
  • Goats have rectangular eyes, which allow them to see over 340 degrees.
  • Goats are herd animals and will become depressed if not put with other animals.
  • Goats recognize each other through sight-not by sound.
  • Despite the stereotypes that are set on goats, they are actually very picky eaters and are actually very clean animals! Source They love to eat vegetation and are known as herbivores. Source
  • Goat milk is the most popular type of milk in the world!
  • Goats have very good night vision and can spot predators well, due to their wide range of vision. Source
  • Goat’s only live about 8-15 years
  • Goats’ horns can grow up to be 8-10 inches long!

Can Other Animals Do It Too?

Owls and tarsiers are the only other animals that can flip their head 360 degrees without breaking blood vessels or tearing any additional tenants down. Other animals can twist their head fairly close, such as the praying mantis and most types of birds.

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