When Do Pregnant Goats Lose Their Mucus Plug?
Will Vinegar Hurt Goats?
How Often Should Baby Goats Poop?
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Goats can be messy when it comes to defecation and fecal matter. This is especially true when they are younger and aren't eating solid foods yet. It pushes many owners to wonder if they can use...
The process of delivering baby goats is similar to taking care of a real kid. It is important to know the different signs of labor, how to handle the delivery of goats, and the important aftercare...
Thinking about getting a goat when you have no idea where to start can be intimidating. All sorts of questions pop up: Do I need to own a farm to own a goat? What kind of feed do I get for a goat?...
Goats and sheep are quite similar, so it makes sense to try and breed them. After all, they're both farm animals, they're both adorable, and can you imagine how cute wooly, fluffy goats would be?...
If you've ever heard your grandfather talk about giving the farmyard animals beer in order to help them feel better after an illness, you probably thought he'd lost his marbles. The truth is,...
Just like any newborn or young animal, baby goats, or kids, require a well-balanced diet. Contrary to popular belief, goats cannot eat anything. Kids from birth until 2.5 times their birth weight...